Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I have just finished snacking on some amazing gingerbread people (Mum, Dad and Baby ones!) that my darling daughter made for us today.  She used a very simple recipe that she found on Taste's website ~ http://www.taste.com.au/recipes/20689/gingerbread+people
and they are wonderful with a cup of espresso coffee.....a long black double shot by preference *big smile*.

With Christmas Day so close now I really have to get on to cooking my microwave pudding to take to my sister and brother-in-law's place for Christmas dinner. I will also make peppernut biscuits with my daughter on Christmas Eve....something of a tradition with us over recent years.  Peppernuts are traditional Christmas fare in Germany - you get lots for your dollar and they keep for at least a month.  These too are wonderful with coffee.....

Peppernut Biscuits:

1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup golden syrup (molasses or treacle will probaby work too)
1/4 cup water
60 grams butter
1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 egg, beaten
1 tsp finely grated lemon rind
2 1/4 cups plain flour
1/2 tsp mixed spice
icing sugar

Combine sugar, syrup and water in pan, stir over heat without boiling until sugar is dissolved, bring to boil; remove from heat, add butter and soda, stirring in well.  Cool to lukewarm, stir in egg, lemon rind, sifter flour and spice.  Refrigerate dough several hours or overnight.

Roll pieces of dough on lightly floured surface into long sausage shapes, about 1 cm thick.  Cut into small pieces about 1 cm long.  Place cut side up on lightly greased oven trays (I use baking paper here).  Bake in moderate oven 12 minutes or until browned.  Cool on wire rack, dust with sifted icing sugar.  Store in airtight container for up to 4 weeks.

I usually make a double mixture and give some in jars as gifts.

I have also been stocktaking my handmade soap - I cure my soap on racks in a cupboard for 4 to 6 weeks and then store the soap in cardboard boxes until I am ready to label them.  Do you know how confusing it is to find the exact batch of soap you want next, if you haven't a clue which box it is in?!  A note in top of each box with the contents listed is such a time saver for me now....lol....I currently have stored and ready to label:  Calendula Sunshine, Sweetpea Delight, DeGreased Lightening, Very Vanilla, Gentle Teddy Lavender, Confetti and Coconutty.  Made but still curing in my cupboard are Bluebell Breezes, Heavenly Silk, Dreamy Coffee & Cream, Camellia Tea, Lime in de Coconut, a new unscented Goatsmilk Bastille as well as Summer Nights - a new floral fraganced soap which is divine!



Holly said...

All the treats sound so good! But you know I'm truly addicted to soap as I melted over all the names of your soap! :)

clear marie said...

I bet your daughter gingerbread was delicious .. She's working hospitality isn't she? Good on her for cooking at home as well .. It was the last thing I wanted to do after hours and hours in the work kitchen!

Oh and I promise to get the next lot of reviews to you asap - I finished the salt bar and am currently testing a few of my own new ones as well as some that Milla sent me .. And I hope to get some out to you in the new year since I've got more gardening work lined up 'when I'm ready' :)

Topcat said...

Holly - ty for that! My kids tell me my soapy names are corny...but I have such fun thinking them up :)

Clear - she is looking for work currently so I am getting in while I can - once she starts working I know she won't cook for me again! I hope you keep improving and feel healthy and whole very soon :)